Thursday, December 07, 2006

1000 more words

From the collection of Zapiro cartoons on - with apologies for the copyright violation. The site also as some interesting quotes from South Africa's Health Minister, like these:

(Aids)... "could also be a God-given opportunity for moral and spiritual growth, a time to review our assumptions about sin and morality". - 1/4/03

"Look at what Bush is doing. He could invade." ... Manto on why money needs to be spent on defence rather than treating AIDS
Sapa - 19/12/02

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Like Majick

A useful script for batch image processing on Linux using ImageMajick. I found this while looking for a way to resize a whole directory of images - it has a slightly frustrating interface, but it works, and the resulting 150x200 images, all seen together, look effective. The three above were taken here.